About us

Ultragrip Tyres is a leading tyre selling company, specializing in the distribution of high-quality tyres for various vehicles. With a strong commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction, we have established ourselves as a trusted brand in the tyre industry

We follow strict quality control procedures throughout the distribution process to ensure that every tyre meets international standards and customer expectations. Our tyres undergo rigorous testing for durability, traction, noise reduction, and braking performance.

Did You know???

We know that tyres are made of rubber and hundreds of other compounds. The color of natural rubber is white. The first rubber tyres were originally white in color until a compound called carbon black was added to rubber during the manufacturing process. Carbon black radically increased the tensile strength and durability of the tyres and changed the color of the tyres to black.
Can you think of tyres as the coating on a wheel? The same logic is used to derive the term “tyre”. Tyre is an abbreviation for “dress”, which means dress for the wheel.
The largest tyre in the world is 80 feet long and weighs around 10,886 kg. It is located in Allen Park, Michigan, USA Don’t miss your chance to see it in Michigan!
Rubber is an important natural resource. Recycling tyres helps preserve the environment while making the best use of this valuable resource. Recycled tyres are used to make roads, playgrounds, fuel, shoes, and more.
Did you know that you can tell when your tyre was manufactured by looking at the sidewall of your tyre? For example, you will get a 4-digit stamp. 2118, means that the tyre is manufactured in the Twenty-First Week of the year 2018.

Have you heard of puncture proof tyres? In 2005, Michelin revealed the “Twill”, an airless tyre concept. The word “twell” comes from a combination of “tyre” and “wheel”. It was introduced in vehicles used in agriculture, construction, landscaping, etc., but not in conventional passenger cars. In 2017, Michelin introduced the “UPTIS” (Unique Puncture Proof Tyre System), a version of Twill designed for commercial use. It seems that punctures will soon be a thing of the past.

Runflat tyres are a type of tyre that can run between 70 and 80 km after being punctured. Most BMW vehicles are equipped with Run Flat tyres.

Around 6.8 million tyres are produced every day around the world.

What is your guess? Michelin? Bridgestone? No, it’s Lego, the toy company. LEGO makes around 700 million tyres each year, leaving the real tyre manufacturers behind. These tyres certainly do not fit your car, but these toy tyres are still considered rubber tyres and therefore, despite being miniature, make Lego the largest tyre manufacturer in the world in terms of number of units produced per year.

Mickey Thompson was an American car racer. In 1960, he was set to win the world land speed record when he realized that there were no tyres available that could sustain a top speed of 500 mph. He began designing his own tyres and won the world land speed record by traveling 406.6 mph on those tyres.

Do you think your tyres were expensive? Take your time to read more. A set of tyres made by a Dubai-based company, Z Tyres, holds the record for being the most expensive tyres in the world. A set of 4 tyres costs $ 6,00,000. The 24-karat gold and diamond-encrusted tyre broke the record for Michelin’s Bugatti Veyron tyres as the most expensive tyres in the world. Before the Z tyre, Michelin’s Bugatti Veyron tyres were the most expensive tyres at a cost of US $ 42,000. The Bugatti Veyron was designed to run at a top speed of 406 km / h. And Michelin successfully delivered tyres to maintain this high speed. Speed certainly doesn’t come cheap.

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